Calls for projects
Iceland Writers and Readers Retreat
Registration is now open for the Iceland Writers and Readers Retreat in Reykjavík, Iceland in April, 2024. Activities will include workshops, pannels, tours to experience Iceland’s inspiring nature, literary visits, and more.
Regular registration (without scholarship) is limited and on a first come, first served basis. The event will be help form April 24 to 28, 2024.
Details here.
Support for UNESCO City of Literature projects
This program encourages writing and reading with a view to promoting the literature of Québec and Wendake, and to supporting the writers, literary artists, and organizations that produce it.
Projects may be submitted on May 20 and November 15, 2024, as outlined in the application form.
- Description de l’appel de projets (PDF: 140 KB)
- Formulaire de demande (DOCX: 60 KB)
- Budget form (income and expenses for the proposed project)